Green Network S.p.A celebrates a successful 2015 and gears up to land in the UK

The first Italian operator to enter the British energy market.

The Green Network Group has published the financial statements of 2015. It shows a net profit of €1.34 million (€4.3 million pre-tax) and reflects a significant improvement in the operating result that has reached €8.6 million (€3.5 million in 2014). Revenues amount to €1.02 billion.

The company has always had a perceptive international vision of business, accompanied by a strong willingness to transfer the company abroad.

Green Network will reach an important target in 2016, it will become the very first Italian operator to step into the Gas & Power market in Great Britain. In September, the company will start the supply of electric power. It will begin with the huge number of Italians living in the U.K. – over 500,000 with a fiscal residence and nearly 1 million living there.