Green Network Energy: 'Green Christmas Trees' Initiative Rolls Out
Have a Green Christmas with Green Network Energy
Green Network Energy is bucking the trend of cutting down pine trees for Christmas festivities. The company has launched an initiative to plant new trees in Sila Piccola, in the Spineto area, next to the Sila National Park.
Depending on the amount of ‘energy’ released by the dedicated web page will determine the number of trees planted.
Anyone with a Facebook, Google+ or email account can help, they just need to login to the page dedicated to the initiative by visiting
Everyone who signs up will virtually generate 10 kWh of energy, and for every 5000 kWh of energy, Green Network Energy will plant 1 tree.
If you share the project via your social media page, you can double the energy unleashed to 20 kWh.
The goal is to create awareness of the destruction of flora in cutting trees for Christmas. The planting of just 1 tree reduces the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by between 10kg and 20 kg per year!
Upon conclusion of the programme, the results will be communicated through the website. The participants will also receive a thank you message along with information about the ‘Green Network Grove’.
‘Give a Tree’ (‘Regala un Albero’), will carry out the all-important planting. They strive to spread a message of ecological culture concerned with protecting nature and biodiversity.