Logging into your online account

You can log into your online account using the email address you used when you switched to us.

If you’ve forgotten your password, follow this link. Enter your email address registered to your account and click ‘reset’. Then follow the link that was sent to your email to change your password.

If you’ve forgotten your email address you used to register, call our customer care team on 0800 520 0202.

If you are having trouble logging in, here’s a few things to check:

  • If you believe that you’ve made an error while registering your account, please call our customer care team. We can unregister the account and help you register again.
  • It might be that you have not yet registered to use the new self-service portal. Find out how to register so you can start managing your account online.
  • If you have more than one email associated with your account, then please ensure that you’re using the original email you registered your account with.
  • If you have multiple energy accounts that use the same email address, please call us on 0800 520 0202. We will need to relink your accounts before you can use the online account.

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